Live Event Solutions

Corporate Live Streaming Services

Remove any geographical barrier to your growth with live streams from your corporate event. Elevate your brand beyond the traditional limitations to bring your knowledge, experience and news with attendees around the world. Live video is a captivating tool, but you only have one chance to get it right.


Go Live To A Global Audience

We’ve worked with brands including Universal Records, TopShop, Audi, L’Oreal and Honda to connect with their colleagues, hold shareholder meetings, and publicise product releases to their waiting audiences. Working closely with media networks including Google, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook, we help you include, engage, and grow the audience you want.

Get Your Message Across

Your CEO can bring a corporate address or end of year statement to all employees at offices across the globe using secure, uncontended streaming solutions direct to your website or company intranet.

Extend Your Network, Raise Your Profile

Streaming webinars, conferences and product launches elevate your brand far beyond a geo-restricted event, as well as helping you find brand new audiences for your content. Streaming can strengthen your position in new markets while raising your profile alongside your peers.

Invite Your Audience To Experience Your Brand

By closing barriers between audience and brand, you bring an immersive experience to your customers no matter their location or time zone. For a fully integrated experience, see how social network streaming can create an unforgettable brand experience.

Fast, Secure Connections

How your team chooses to host the webcast is up to you. If you would prefer not to host the webcast yourself, we can include it within a secure website built specifically for your event. All content is delivered over a secure network so you can discuss sensitive matters privately.

Get your next event streaming live. Get in touch with us today.

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