Live Event Solutions

Social Network Streaming Production Company

Showcase related interviews, backstage or privileged footage teeming with raw emotion and excitement by immersing your audience straight from their social media feeds. Multi-location, multi-camera live events are now easy to deliver with the help of NEP Connect.


Social Network Streaming

In collaboration with Google,Facebook, YouTube and other platforms, we break the barriers of traditional communication to connect your audience through the channels they know best. Find new viewers on social media, run exclusive previews and experiential events, reveal a different dimension to your brand while capitalising on a cost-effective way of reaching your brand ambassadors and new viewers worldwide.

Multi-Platform Experiences

We ensure your content reaches all of your viewers, regardless of device. Our team will work with yours to build a bespoke streaming plan to target your audience effectively. We can stream content to websites, social media, company intranets, and broadcast live to TV all simultaneously if required! NEP Connect has great experience of working with production and live event companies to deliver exciting live events from all corners of the globe.

Integrate Your Channels

Keep your content fresh across all your channels. Social network streaming helps close the gap between offline events and traditional TV, creating an immersive experience for anyone, however they choose to experience it.

We’ve delivered high-quality, multi-camera, multi-location, live streams onto YouTube, Twitter and Facebook, using our in-depth knowledge of each platform to tailor the audience experience to best effect.

Let us get you live on social. Contact us today.

Our Work